
iPhone 4SのCMが2本

俳優John MalkovichによるiPhone 4SのCMが2本リリースされた。結構、味わい深い。


Malkovich: Weather?

Siri: Nice weather comming up today through Tuesday!

Malkovich: evening?

Siri: You don't have anything on your calender for this evening.

Malkovich: Fantastic. Linguica?

Siri: I found 5 restaurants whose reviews mention Linguica fairly close to you.

Malkovich: joke?

Siri: Two iPhones walk into a bar. I forget the rest.

Malkovich: That's funny.

Siri: Was it something I said?

Malkovich: Yes, it was.
Malkovichが「何かジョークを言ってよ」とSiriに聞いたら「2つのiPhoneがバーに入っていきました..続きは忘れたわ」と答えた。アメリカのジョークの多くが Two ***** walk into a bar.という出だしで始まると言うことを知っていれば、笑えるのだそうだ。


Malkovich: Life.

Siri: Try and be nice to people. Avoid eating fat. Read a good book every now and then. Get some walking in. And try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

Malkovich: That's pretty spectacular advice, actually. Thank you. I enjoyed this chat immensely. You are very eloquent.

Siri: That's nice of you to say.